Light Up Fun With a Two-For-One Candle

Start the fall and holiday seasons by lighting a new type of candle. Wow guests or your special someone during at at-home date night with a beautiful spiraling flame. Spiral candles are unique because they actually burn twice. Initially, a spiral cotton wick burns along the edges in a spiral, with the wax melting inward to the hollow center. After the sides have burned down about half way, the candle self-extinguishes. Now a second wick in the center bottom of the candle is exposed. Light it for many more hours of enjoyment. 

It takes two hours for the cotton wick to burn down in a spiral. Sit nearby and enjoy observing the process. Afterwards, the wide wooden wick toward the bottom center of the candle will burn like a traditional candle. The delightful crackling sound of the wooden wick provides another appealing sensation as the flame flickers. If you purchase a 4 x 4 candle, you'll get 30 hours of burning time from the wick (plus two from the spiral). The 4 x 6 candle offers 40 hours of burn time.

Vanilla Tobacco 4 x 6 spiral candle

Vanilla + Tobacco 4 x 6 spiral candle

Your purchase of a spiral two-for-one candle supports an American company. These USA made candles are crafted in Minnesota. To take it even further, the candle ingredients and components are both made and sourced within the United States.

Sweet Violet Bamboo 4 x 4 spiral candle

Sweet Violet + Bamboo 4 x 4 spiral candle

You can inhale the fragrance of these candles with peace of mind. The scents are 100% Phthalate free, You also don't have to worry about chemicals from the dyes because they are all vegetable-based dyes. These candles are thoughtfully made with ultra refined, food grade wax, 100% cotton wicks on the outside, and softwood wicks on the inside.

Smokey Tonka Bean 4 x 6 spiral candle

Smokey Tonka Bean 4 x 6 spiral candle

These candles are available in a variety of scents, like Vanilla + Tabacco and Cranberry Mango. Each different color of candle has a different scent. Grab more than one to have on hand as hostess gifts, housewarming gifts or for small gifts for the holidays! Whether you need a holiday candle or a power outage candle, these will make any situation more fun!